Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Little More Yarn

I was inspired to get organized. In reality, I was inspired to move my yarn from Bags to baskets, to make it more viewable, and thus more tempting. 'Cause yarn needs help with that. :)
Here's a little basket of acrylic for your viewing pleasure.

And some wool. Watch the drool, and notice the fantastic hank of Autumn in the middle there. Yes, that was a gift from my lovely friend, Erin.
And now, do you want a peek at the unfinished bamboo scarf? I thought so.

Mmm, yarn.


Erin Joy said...

The scarf looks amazing! What's the stitch pattern? I love the lacy look of it - so fine and delicate. Gossamer, in fact!

Katie Elizabeth said...

Garter Stitch! I figured with the thread I could get away with a really simple stitch and it would still look intricate. I can't wait to see what it looks like when it is blocked.

Erin Joy said...

Garter stitch is so nice and mindless - great for listening to the radio or watching Masterpiece Theater. Isn't Cassie a friend you knew in college? She sounds very familiar to me...she has a great website!

Katie Elizabeth said...

Cassi Mae was my roomie in college. I am sure that you have met her.