Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Oregon Spring

Some days it isn't easy. Some days it is a little easier. Today it was a little easier than say, yesterday. Despite the fact that I am so tired that it has taken me 4 tries to write each of these sentences, I am still holding onto hope that I will have the chance to start on the stripy pillows that I have been looking forward to for 2 days. 
This morning we woke up to a light covering of snow all over the yard. Not enough for a joyous snow day, but quite enough for the gorgeous new coat I found at my favorite thrift shop. It is very hard to feel blue when you are wearing a red coat that comes down to your knees and has a hood just like something from a French film. There were also some red beets, though that happened later after the working, and the after snow had long since melted. 

Also, it is Magnolia tree time, and I do love Magnolias. There they are one minute bare branches, and the next they are covered with perfect blossoms like dozens of white handkerchiefs or a bouquet of gigantic tulips.

So you see I am trying very hard ignore the tired after-work feeling and enjoy the good home-from-work moments. 

There is also the thought that tonight I still might have time to learn to crochet round and round.

1 comment:

Erin Joy said...

Hey, that tree looks familiar! So the sandpit... I can almost see my little room.

Love the beet photo (though I'm not a beet fan per se). Such gorgeous ruby color. What I really want to see is the red coat!